
We are supporting Stats NZ to encourage everyone to take part in the 2023 Census.

Key points  

Stats NZ are requesting employers to remind their staff to return their census forms by June if they have not yet done so.

The census is the official count of people and dwellings in Aotearoa New Zealand, so everyone who was in the country on Census Day, 7 March 2023, is required by law to complete a census form.

Households that have not yet taken part will shortly receive a final reminder notice setting out the requirement to do the census, to avoid the risk of being fined $2,000.

Everyone’s participation is important because census data is used by government, councils, iwi, community organisations, and businesses to make decisions in the years to come. The information collected ensures services like hospitals, schools, public transport, roads, and water are funded appropriately and communities’ needs are better met. There are some great resources you can share with staff on the census website (links are provided in the comms below).

Census collectors are no longer visiting households to collect census forms (except in areas hardest hit by Cyclone Gabrielle in the Far North, and Te Tairāwhiti, and Hawke’s Bay regions). So, if people need some help to fill out their forms, they will need to ask a member of their family, a friend, or a work colleague, or attend one of the census support events running through to 4 June (information on these is available at www.census.govt.nz/census-support).

There is more information on the census at www.census.govt.nz, including in 28 languages other than English.

For those of you yet to take part in completing the census: 

  • There’s some great information online about why it is important to take part and how to take part here: census.govt.nz/maori-resources/ and www.census.govt.nz/pasifika/ and www.census.govt.nz/all-of-us-count/
  • If you have not yet done your forms, you can do them online using one of the access codes provided in the 2023 Census letters and packs sent to your household.
  • Or you can fill out the paper forms provided and mail them back for free in the envelope provided.
  • If you no longer have a code or forms, you can order them again by calling 0800 236 787 or going online at census.govt.nz.
  • There is also face-to-face help to complete census forms through to 4 June at public and community organised events (information on these is available at census.govt.nz/census-support).
  • There is information on the census at census.govt.nz, including in NZSL (New Zealand Sign Language), Braille, Easy Read, Large Print, and Audio formats, and 29 different languages.

Thanks for doing your bit.