
 To invite you to be involved in a Ministry of Transport fleet purchasing research project.  Your interest is sought by Wednesday 18th October 2023.


We are living in changeable times, and you will no doubt be aware of the changing times ahead as the world transitions to low-emission vehicles, including electric and hydrogen-powered heavy vehicles.

With these changes in mind, all three Industry Associations are assisting Ministry of Transport as they seek to learn more about how operators like you are currently making key decisions such as truck replacement.

To help them, The Ministry has commissioned the independent market research company Ipsos to research road transport businesses throughout New Zealand.

Ipsos is now seeking to identify people who are the key decision-makers on vehicle purchasing, so they can participate in paid interviews.

If you are interested in participating in this study and you are a key decision-maker on your company’s vehicle purchasing, please click the link below to answer a few short questions so that Ipsos can contact those who match their target research group (please note, not all respondents to the on-line form will be contacted because Ipsos is seeking a survey group that reflects the diverse activities of the transport industry).

Those people selected for the research will be interviewed online or by phone and that will take 45-60 minutes each. The interviews will be confidential to Ipsos and participants will be paid $125 as a token of appreciation, which Ipsos can donate to a charity of your choice if desired.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please click the link below to answer a few quick questions please click here and do this by Wednesday 18th October.

Thanks in advance for your consideration, your input will certainly be appreciated.