Waka Kotahi has recently announced six new proforma designs. These were refined following industry feedback last year.

The six new replacement HPMV truck trailer proformas meet the latest Performance Based Standards (PBS).

As a result of feedback some minor changes were made to ensure better compatibility with the existing fleet and constraints of new trucks.

Permits are available for the new proformas and these can be found on the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) website through the following links:

50MAX: https://nzta.govt.nz/commercial-driving/high-productivity/50max/50max- information-for-operators-and-manufacturers/50max-proforma-designs

HPMV: https://nzta.govt.nz/commercial-driving/high-productivity/proforma- designs-for-high-productivity-motor-vehicles

For members seeking HPMV length permits, please note, from 1 April 2021 the Vehicle Requirements Manual (VIRM) will be updated to allow the new HPMV proforma forms on the NZTA website to be used at Entry Certification instead of a HPMV length permit for dimension compliance and verification.

When the vehicle is registered the permit can be applied for under the Registration Number. This will save the need to apply for a HPMV length permit twice. To clarify, in the past and up 1 April 2021, a HPMV length permits were/are applied for using the vehicle VINs to get through Entry Certification in respect to dimension compliance and verification, following registration the permit is reapplied for in the registration number for roadside enforcement.

Kate Bucknell National Secretary, TTMF, reported there has been some concern at the discontinuation of the 23 Metre B-Train “Long Tractor” proforma.

NZTA has confirmed they will consider another B-train proforma (Long Tractor) and welcomes the industry to present options. If a new one is not available by December 2021, the expiry date can be considered for extension.

New advice on detour notifications for HPMVs

Waka Kotahi’s Manager, Permitting, Riccardo Areosa, has also advised that where NZTA can get early advice on detours that information will be posted at the following web address:

https://www.nzta.govt.nz/commercial-driving/high-productivity/high-productivity- motor-vehicles-and-hpmv-permits/heavy-vehicle-permit-detours/