The following important information received by the Road Transport Forum may have already been distributed to members. The information below and the attachments referred to is reconfirmation of Waka Kotahi’s position regarding Ashburton Bridge access options for the following vehicle types.

Please find attached 3 information updates on the SH 1 Ashburton Bridge.

• One for HPMV and 50Max Permit Holders
• One for Overweight permit holders
• One for Over-dimension Vehicles

Paul Teeuwen, System Management
Transport Services

E / w

Ashburton River/ Hakatere Bridge, SH1, open for freight 24/7

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s recent monitoring and data analysis of the Ashburton River/Hakatere Bridge shows that it is safe to take trucks (up to 50MAX and High Productivity Motor Vehicles – HPMV) around the clock as of today, says Pete Connors, System Manager for Waka Kotahi.

“This is good news for truck drivers who have had much longer than normal routes around Ashburton for the past week after 7 pm and before 7 am since the drop in one bridge pier became visible after the recent floods.”

Freight vehicles have been restricted to daylight hours for the past week. Light traffic has had 24/7 access since the initial day’s closure.

The speed limit on the SH1 bridge will remain at 30km/ hour.

Overweights still no go
Overweight permit vehicles cannot use the bridge.

Timeline for repair
Mr Connors estimates repairs could be completed in the next six to eight weeks. “If we have more high river events, that could affect that timeline, but we are working as fast as we can to expedite this repair.”

Closure next Wednesday night, 11 pm, 16 June to 1 am, 17 June
Waka Kotahi has another night of monitoring and data analysis next week which will involve a two-hour closure 11 pm to 1 am, Wednesday night to Thursday morning.

“During this closure we will also be installing electronic monitoring equipment to allow remote monitoring of the structure,” says Mr Connors.

Waka Kotahi thanks all bridge users for their patience over the past week as this investigation got underway and traffic management for everyone’s safety was put in place.

• Detour route for overweight permitted traffic in Ashburton District here

SH 1 Ashburton Bridge : Over-dimension Information 2.30pm 8 June 2021

Following consultation with the Heavy Haulage Association and OPIA, the following O/D conditions apply

Vehicles that are only over-width and are :

• No greater than 3.1m wide

• are not overweight

• and can stay safely and wholly within the 3.5m lane width available to them

• without affecting the traffic flow or altering the traffic management in place

• normal operating requirements apply may use the SH 1 Ashburton Rv Br between 7am and 7pm.

Vehicles that are overlength and are :

• no longer than 25m overall length

• are not overweight

• and are no wider than 3.1m

• and can stay safely and wholly within the 3.5m lane width available to them

• without affecting the traffic flow or altering the traffic management in place

• normal operating requirements apply may use the SH 1 Ashburton Rv Br between 7am and 7pm.

Those vehicles that are over-dimension and do not fit the above criteria can use Ashburton DC detour routes. These routes must be assessed by the operator as a suitable route for their load, this assessment will also need to include any increased traffic volumes on that route that would restrict their travel. If the vehicle is overweight, this will need a permit from the relevant councils.

A reminder that the Ashburton DC website road closure map and indications of where heavy vehicles are to go gets updated regularly. Check the most upto date map here

SH 1 Ashburton Bridge : Overweight Permit Update 2.30pm 8 June

Overweight permits for the SH 1 Ashburton Bridge are temporarily suspended and are null and void for this stretch of highway until further notice. Overweight permitted vehicles can use ADC/TDC detour route on a case by case basis subject to Ashburton DC/Timaru DC approval.

Exception : ISO Container Overweight Permitted Vehicles to 46 tonne can also use the SH 1 Ashburton Rv Br (between 7am and 7pm).

SH 1 Ashburton Bridge : Update on 50MAX and HPMV Permitted Vehicles 2.30pm 8 June

No real change here.

The Sh 1 Ashburton River Bridge was damaged in the flood event on 21 May. As we can only monitor what happens to the bridge during daylight hours we have reduced the hours heavy motor vehicles (including HPMV’s and 50MAX permitted vehicles) have access to the bridge, so traffic volumes are very high between the hours of 7am and 7pm. Only light vehicles (less than 3500kg) have access between 7pm to 7am.

7pm to 7am HPMV 50MAX Detour

A reminder that the Ashburton DC website road closure map and indications of where heavy vehicles are to go gets updated regularly. advisories/30-may-2021-weather-event-updates. Please familiarise yourself with the latest routes in green.

Timaru DC want 50MAX and HPMV vehicles to head Southbound on Inland Scenic Route 72 to SH 79. SH 79 east to SH 1 at Rangitata Tearooms. Northbound same route but in reverse.

Full route on google maps link