
The Ports of Auckland Limited (POAL) announced on Tuesday 29th November its updated price schedule for commencement on 1 January 2023.

This updated schedule has significant increases for VBS (Vehicle Booking System) Container Slot Reservations. This will see a general price increase of 8.2% for the 2023 calendar year. Additional increases include:

• Peak VBS charges increase from $35 to $65

• Off-peak VBS charges increase from $8 to $20

• Average VBS charge increase from $21.50 to $42.50

• Multi Cargo to charge VBS fees from January 1, 2023

This is a major increase in charges that will have a significant impact on all operators in the transport community in Auckland that operate at the port. The purpose of this email is to help members communicate these changes in port charges to their customers.

Key points

• Understand your costs and ensure you are pricing any pick up and drop offs appropriately.

• Ensure you communicate this to customers and pass these costs on as appropriate.

The new price schedule is available on the Ports of Auckland website at the following link.