Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Riccardo Areosa, Manager, Permitting, has updated the Vehicle dimensions and mass permitting manual, volume 1 as per the following.

The amended version of the VDAM permitting manual volume 1 is now available at:

https://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/vehicle-dimension-and-mass-permitting-manual/vehicle-dimensions-and-mass-permitting-manual volume-1/.

A summary of the main updates is set out below.

Part/Permit type What’s new
Part A: Introduction to VDAM permits The Director of Land Transport role was established by the Land Transport (NZTA) Legislation Amendment Act 2020. Information has been added about the role, delegations of authority, and the terminology used in the manual.

See section A1.1 Enabling legislation.

Part B: Overweight permits Standard-tyred tri-axle sets: New mass limits have been added to the general access mass limit tables in the VDAM Rule, schedule 3, and the definition of ‘tri-axle set’ has been amended.

See sections B1.4 Individual axle mass limits and B1.5 Axle set mass limits.

Part C: Overdimension permits Overheight piloting requirements revised: A Class 2 load pilot must be used within city limits or anywhere in New Zealand, depending on the height of the vehicle or load.

See section C4.2 Piloting requirements.

Part D: HPMV higher mass permits New 10-axle B-train pro-forma diagram (B1243) added to the list of vehicle designs eligible for an HPMV permit. RUC information for the combination has also been included.

See section D2.2 Eligible vehicle designs.

Standard-tyred tri-axle sets: New mass limits have been added.

See section D1.3 General access mass limits.

Part E: HPMV overlength permits Entry-certification made easier: Pro-forma design diagram forms may now be used for certification of vehicle design limits at entry certification. Previously, a temporary overlength permit issued with vehicle identification numbers (VINs) was required.

See section E2.3 Entry certification requirements.