We still have places available at next week’s Transporting New Zealand Conference in Lower Hutt, which is the annual chance to catch up with all the industry’s players, big and small, old and new, to network, learn from, and have a yarn with.

We’ll be hearing from some of our political leaders as they make their pitch to the industry in an election year, with a chance for a few choice questions for National’s Simeon Brown, the Green’s Julie Anne Genter, NZ First’s Shane Jones and ACT’s Simon Court.

The key topics on the agenda are the economy, the Green Compact, risk management and getting new people into the industry to keep it vibrant and strong.

We wind up the conference with the industry awards dinner on Thursday June 29, to recognise the great work people are doing in the sector.

The conference is a time to take a look at your business, compare notes, and most of all, be with the people that make the industry the key sector it is in keeping Aotearoa New Zealand moving.

We look forward to seeing you there.

For more information and to book, please go here.