A series of regional AGMs kick off on Friday, September 15, with Region 5 (lower South Island) at 5pm at Croydon Lodge in Gore.

On Saturday October 7 there is the Region 2 (Upper NI) and Region 3 (Lower NI) AGMs being held at 9am on Saturday October 7 at Novotel Lakeside Rotorua in what is also the North Island Summit.

The final one is Region 4 (upper SI) at 1pm on October 13 at the BNZ Centre in Christchurch.

You can attend in person, via Zoom or Teams, or nominate a proxy to cast a vote on your behalf. RSVP details follow below.

An important part of each AGM is voting on the proposed Constitutional Restructure.

The key question for members are:

  1. Do you support the TNZ board’s proposal to replace our regional structure with a single national membership?
  2. Do you want to see your region wound up, or continue to operate completely separately to Transporting New Zealand?
  3. If you want to wind up, how do you want the member-elected Endowment Committee to handle those legacy funds?

There is more information in this video and these associated documents, the Constitutional Restructure one-pager and a Powerpoint to accompany constitutional restructure video.

Please send your RSVP or questions and comments to info@transporting.nz