If you’re thinking of hiring a migrant driver, tomorrow’s free webinar from 1pm till 2pm will give you plenty of useful info.

We have two experts from Working In Immigration Advisors, who will talk about the new driver residency pathway and best practices for employers.

Nassim Lalehzari is the chief commercial officer at Working In, and is an expert in providing immigration information for the transportation sector.

Tip Fraser is Working In’s guy on the ground in the Philippines. A Class 5 driver, Tip has assessed hundreds of drivers in the Philippines for Australian and New Zealand companies.

We also have Angel Borja, who is the Labour Attaché from the Philippines Embassy. He will be taking about how road freight companies can avoid getting caught up in exploitative migrant recruitment practices.

The webinar will be hosted by Transporting New Zealand’s Policy Advisor Billy Clemens who will give a brief overview of the Truck and Bus Driver Sector Agreement.

At the end of the presentations there will be a chance to ask the panelists questions.  The event will be recorded and will be available for people who can’t make the live event.

Employing Migrant Drivers

Thursday, August 17, 1pm-2pm.

Register for the webinar here.